Monday, 9 November 2009

THE Fabulous Lauren Luke <3

So i came across Lauren Luke & her AMAZIN' make-up looks a while ago now, but i actually found time 2 try 1 this morning... i LOVE make-up & enjoy learnin' as much as possible & i can honestly say i have neva learnt as much as i did in her short videos!! The looks are fabulous & actually do-able!! SOOO many of the youtube make-up 'gurus' are just unrealistic & talk like they've swallowed a beauticians dictionary! Lauren Luke makes u feel like at eases, almost like a mate sat in her room, havin' a natter, getting ready 4 a night out ;)

This morning i tried the 'Miley Cyrus Party in the USA' look (! I LOVED IT!! felt like a princess all day!! there's nothing like feeling flawless in your make-up 2 give yourself a boost :)
Here's Lauren's photo of the look::

Here's MY attempt (note i did this @ 9 o'clock this mornin but didnt take the photo 'till like an hour ago so most of it had worn by then)::

Im was soooo impressed that as i was taking my make-up off this evening i culdnt resist trying another, more ambitious look!! i NEVER wear greens, i dont mind them on others i just neva thought it suited me... but doing this 'Barbie Cutsie Eyes with Greens & Pinks' look, i am officially a green eyeshadow convert ;)
Here's Lauren's Example::

Here's MY attempt::

I am OFFICIALLY ADDICTED 2 Lauren Luke!! Down 2 earth, hilarious, sweet & uber-talented!! Every1 check her out @!!

Here's wishing Lauren Luke all the luck in the world! Look's like shes already going places xoxo

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