Saturday, 31 October 2009

Teen Choice Awards 2009

i no! i no! this was a decade ago but i didnt have internet when all this occurred, so here goes...

Who got it spot on??

(from left-right)
Aly (without AJ) = stunning, defiantly not Disney girl anymore! Amanda Bynes = spot on, gr8 color + fix (although a little stripper'ish' for a teen show perhaps?). Ashley Tisdale = usual perfection, but still missin' that 'spark'. Fergie = fav of the nite!! gorgeous + flawless! Noah Cyrus = cute + age appropriate (a rarity even @ Disney). Hayden = gorgeous! (maybe more Oscar/Emmy's than TCA??). Kim K = shoe stopper!!! love the dress, hair, everythin'!! (do blondes have more fun?!)...

Leighton + Chace = very matchy matchy but not in a gross way! gorgeous colouring, beautiful + appropriate dress! Miley = i like it! shes obv. tryin 2 sex it up a bit! y not? shes like 16 now. Taylor = FIT! dressy but not overly done, spot on. Vanessa = im not her biggest fan but i am lovin' this dress on her! + shes holding her own next 2 Megan Fox = beautiful in this neautral gown, very sexy (as always!). Wayans (GI Joe) = perfect pick for a teen awards show, relaxed but lookin' very sexy!! Selena = stunnin' dress, but maybe a little mature 4 her age + overdone 4 this type of event??

Who got it completely wrong??

B.E.P. boys = just NO! y? Fergie defiantly needs 2 have a word! Joe Jonas = his brothers got it sooo right what happened?? no more t-shirt + suit combos please!! Corbin Bleu = tie + cardigan tank @ an interview yes! tie + cardigan @ teen choice awards no!! JoJo = i LOVE her (+ hopin this appearance means more music on the way) but this is sooo wrong! very unflattering + the colour just washes her out! Jordin Sparks = another girl im a big fan of, but again sooo unflattering 4 her figure! she has curves show them off!!! is no1 telling these girls how 2 dress? calling all stylists!!! Kristin Strewart = y??? shes soooo pretty in Twilight! no punk + no boys hair cuts please!!! :(

Miley = so as said b4 BIG fan of the sexier look, but this is maybe 1 step 2 far? + a little 2 much leather perhaps?? Sean Kingston = 1st of all i dont no if i can 4give the long absense of amazing music this past year or so, but i definatly cannot 4give this tired 'im a gangster look @ my white shirt, beer belly + bling' look! isnt he like 20?? not 45 Mr. Kingston!! Twilight boys = just NO! they're soooo hot y do they instead on dressing like hobos?? have a wash, brush ur hair + leave ur dad's clothes alone please boys!! Zac Efron = he went from teen hotty 2 middle age frumpy in the blink of an ugly fairy eye!! wot happened?? Vanessa sort him out!! ;)

Well this is just my opinion! what does every1 else think?? xoxo

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